Friday, December 16, 2011

Nature's Circle

This art work is a peace that was done a while ago, it was mention two post ago, this peace is what started the chain of nature paintings. As I have mentioned before nature is nither good or or evil, which is what it says in the form of writing in the image of the book. Nature is beautiful, but looks can be deseving, it is as dangerous a looks. Telling the story of the cicle of life, and the magic that it holds, and the energy that it provide. Nature story of balance and and life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Final Project

This art work is the final project of the class, and right now you see the previews of what it looks like as it was done for all the others. This work also falls after the art work that was mentioned before. Nature is more of my theme,  because it tells a story, just in the same way that art tells a story, the story of life, what I see as a gift granted to man, a tressure that is very valuable, and should not be taken as a joke. Now here is the finished peace of the project.
Titled: Nature See's


This is a painting of nature, flowers, plant life, and what msyteries it holds, the stories it tells, just by being itself, art work, not done by man, well except for this one, art work that fall under another peace I have done a while ago, before this class, now here is the final peaces of this work.
Title: Nature Waite's

The Loser

   This is the sketch of me as a loser, my darkness, the negative energy that is trapped where it can not be released, but is on the verg of getting their, this darkness was sealed away, but the seal is breaking, the more the seal breaks, the more he he will  become stronger, 2 his true form, true darkness, indeed, now her is the completed verison, the dakness, the loser, tat will not preveal, in the present of good people.