Friday, December 16, 2011

Nature's Circle

This art work is a peace that was done a while ago, it was mention two post ago, this peace is what started the chain of nature paintings. As I have mentioned before nature is nither good or or evil, which is what it says in the form of writing in the image of the book. Nature is beautiful, but looks can be deseving, it is as dangerous a looks. Telling the story of the cicle of life, and the magic that it holds, and the energy that it provide. Nature story of balance and and life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Final Project

This art work is the final project of the class, and right now you see the previews of what it looks like as it was done for all the others. This work also falls after the art work that was mentioned before. Nature is more of my theme,  because it tells a story, just in the same way that art tells a story, the story of life, what I see as a gift granted to man, a tressure that is very valuable, and should not be taken as a joke. Now here is the finished peace of the project.
Titled: Nature See's


This is a painting of nature, flowers, plant life, and what msyteries it holds, the stories it tells, just by being itself, art work, not done by man, well except for this one, art work that fall under another peace I have done a while ago, before this class, now here is the final peaces of this work.
Title: Nature Waite's

The Loser

   This is the sketch of me as a loser, my darkness, the negative energy that is trapped where it can not be released, but is on the verg of getting their, this darkness was sealed away, but the seal is breaking, the more the seal breaks, the more he he will  become stronger, 2 his true form, true darkness, indeed, now her is the completed verison, the dakness, the loser, tat will not preveal, in the present of good people.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monster Bash

This is my movie poster, called Monster Bash, a movie for horror movie fans, deep in tune in darkness where the fear kick in, a place where horror takes control it is fun fun side enjoy yourself.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


  Today I went to the moma, the museum of modern art, but i forgot the list of artwork that i was suposed to look at, so I went throught the entire museum and saw of course lots of artwork. Based on the art that I have seen I was getting sumthing from them, but then again there was some of them, the energy was not there. For example, in the photography section some of the photoes was realy sad, and some seemed lost, then there was some of the paintings that rose sent us, in abstract, i was thinking they wemon must have been real messed up lol. On the other hand there was some good artwork there the abtract art pop out more a little to me thou. The trip was okay, it had helped me clear my head a bit.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Winner

Here is the work of the assigned worked the self portrait collsge, of me as a hero. The hero figure I have choosen is a man from the renaissance area, Leonardo Davinchy, or at least that how you spell his name. I have choosen him because of what he has acomplish thruoght out his life, a man thatwent out his way to come up with things that no other person could have thought of in there life time, abd that his work have an infleunce on the world of today, even thou it seems that it may have some negative affect on the world. But his work is a form of inspiration to the world, and that is what I dream of doing inspiring the world, not that it deserve it, but still, I want to leave my mark on the world, just he and many other people before, and atfer him.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Transit Museum

Eariler today my family and I went to the NewYork Transit Museum, and witness the history of transit, the difference over the year that transit have been with new york, there was many modils of the trains and buses, but mostly trains. It was like a time loop, going back 2 the pass, of the development of how our  train become to be of today, the energy was anormus, but it was really positive, lots of parents with there kids, even thou it was history of transpotation i had fun, There are lots more picture I dought that I would have enough room to write. lol yes I know this has nothing to do with school, but I felt like I should blog it. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pointillist Painting

Here is my first pointillist painting, I know that it is not so great, but i would say that it is ok for the first try. This peace is a painting of the painting studio that back round of the class at night, a class under the night sky. This peace is enspired by a french artist named Georges Seurat, born 1859-1891. I have worked on this painting for 3hours, and i did my best that I can do. It is not my strong suit to paint without drawing it out first, but it's another way to help me improve my art skills, thanks Rose.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Places in New York

The image is a drawing  of what people see in our city our home  New York, base on this picture they see that we have parks, which they ae right about we do have a few parks throughout New York, some big and some small, no waite alot of them are small, but the big ones are the most famous ones, like central park, fort Green park etc.

        This picture is my interpetation of the picture, allowing you 2 see what they see through my eyes and their's, what the people are imagining what our home have, the energy coming from there drawings are at good energy levels they are not bad for a first time art class. Next picture that will go  up will be the painting of my sketch on the canvas.

These are the final peaces for this assignment the paintings of what iI see in the first drawing. This is what I see in the drawing that was given 2 me, a park with people, green grass, trees with flowers. This project has help me to increaes my imagination as a artist, made it more stronger then what I have progress over time growing up.